Leave “You” at the Door
Just what is keeping you from connecting to those you love, care about, or work with? The answer may surprise you! Click (or tap) to find out!
Have you ever felt like you had tapped out of your job, your family, or your life in general? Perhaps you feel you need a booster shot of inspiration or just a reminder of “why” you do what you do? Then you’ve come to the right place! Tap Back In is your source for weekly inspiration, guidance, and just a light nudge back in the right direction. So join us and make the choice to tap back into life. And tap back into “you.” For blog posts, videos and more check out: www.TapBackIn.com
As You Look, So Shall You See
We all have a super power. Click (or tap) to find out why most of us are using it the wrong way.
From One President to Another
“What if” can be a dangerous question if it deflects us from our dreams and our best life. Click (or tap) to learn how to overcome this dangerous ally.
Push Forward
Sometimes we all feel stuck. Why not click (or tap) this video to find out why pushing forward is sometimes the only way to get back on track and tap back in.
I've Got Shotgun
In life, we have to make a lot of choices and decisions. But, like a weekend out with friends, a trip to Starbucks, or an adventure across the country with family, sometimes the most important decision is this: Who’s driving? Take a look for a reminder of just how important this is.
Gratitude is a Superpower
Find out which two little words grant you super-hero status. Click to tap back in!
Bill Murray Moments
Just what is a “Bill Murray Moment”? Click to find out how it applies to making 2019 your best year yet!
Following Failure or Seeking Success
As the New Year fast approaches, it’s important to ask one simple question when evaluating 2018 and planning ahead for 2019: Are you following failure or seeking success? Click below to find out why!
feaRRR is an Illusion
Just what is “feaRRR” beyond a spell-check nightmare and the way a pirate might pronounce “fear”? Click below to find out!
Change the Channel
Click here to be reminded about why changing the channel is one of the most important skills in life!
That Person
Click below to be reminded of a simple truth we all know, but often forget. Seriously, it’s really important.
I N.E.E.D. Conflict Resolution: Part 5
Want to get better at conflict resolution at work and in life? Click here to continue the process of getting more comfortable and more confident with conflict resolution with Part 5! (Or, start the process here: Part 1)