As You Look, So Shall You See
Confession time.
When I was younger, I was a little insecure and you might say I was lacking in the self-confidence department. Okay...that might be an extreme understatement. I was afraid to order pizza. Let that settle in for a second. I LOVE pizza...but was nervous to pick up the phone and dial. I’d break out into a cold sweat. I practically had Pizza PTSD! So, needless to say, when it came to dating and asking members of the opposite sex out...I was less than successful.
I’d meet a young woman I was interested in and, immediately, I’d talk myself out of asking her out. The devil on my shoulder would whisper things like, “You’re too short to date her.” “You are not attractive enough for her.” “Your nose is too big, you’ll be embarrassed.”
You can see where my mind was going: I was afraid, lacked confidence and I actively looked for all the reasons why I was right to feel that way. And…I found them. Every time.
Our minds have a superpower. And my version of it was on steroids. I was an expert, a pro, and a Jedi with using it. And my hypothesis is this: you have the same super power and you might be better than me. Just what is that superpower?
Our minds like to prove us right.
The adolescent version of myself was convinced it was unattractive. So, what did my mind do? It looked for the proof and always managed to find it.
So, what does this have to do with you? Everything. Have you ever wanted a promotion, but felt like you were under qualified or that no one would seriously consider you for the job? What happened? You found reasons that proved yourself right. Have you ever wanted to switch jobs, get out of a bad relationship, or start a side hustle - but in any case, doubted yourself or your ability? What happened there? That’s right, if you are like most of us, you found all the proof as to why you shouldn’t make the change.
We often use this power for evil - to limit us or protect us underneath the lie that we are “keeping ourselves safe” from rejection or making a bad decision.
That’s how we tap out of life.
So, how do we tap back in? Remember this: As you look, so shall you see. What you look for, you are bound to find. If you look for problems, you’ll find problems. If you look for reasons why something won’t work, those reasons will make themselves known. HOWEVER, if you look for a solution, what will you find?
If you look for how you can be successful, you’ll find the way. If you look for positive answers, you’ll find them. Make a different choice!
Change what you look for and change your life.
Tap back in.