Gratitude is a Superpower
Recently I had someone say two words to me that caused my attitude to do a 180. These two words shifted my perspective from “funk” to “fun” and my attitude from good to great. They made me feel like I mattered, made a difference, and inspired me to push myself even harder.
What were these two words?
Thank you.
I know, I know - simple, right? It’s also an important thing for each of us to focus on (not, not saying, “Thank you,” to me...though that would be nice).
A few weeks prior, I had given my coworker some advice on how to tackle a challenging problem. As I was walking by recently, he pulled me aside just to tell me that the advice helped; he interrupted my day with, “Thank you.”
And the 30 seconds it took him to say those words, were enough to refill my emotional fuel tank so that I could drive through all the miles the day had to offer.
When’s the last time you - genuinely - thanked someone? And that’s the key, right? The motive has to be pure and the thanks have to be specific in order for the person to be transformed. If you are like most of us, “Thank You,” almost is an automated response: “Please pass the peas.” “Thank You.” “Here is that report you asked for.” “Thank You.” “I found that kidney you so desperately need.” “Thank You.” Okay...that last example might be a bit silly, but you get my point. Heck, many people even have the words “Thank” and “you” build into their work email signatures so that they don’t have to take the time to type it each time! We have unconsciously made “Thank You” white noise. It’s we say it. But how often do we actually take the time to “mean” it? How often do we tell the person how much what they have done for us matters?
We’ve tapped out of the power of “Thank You.”’s time to tap back in! Here’s your homework this week. Pick a person - just one - and pull them aside, give them a call, send them a text, or shoot them an email. Use smoke signals if you have to or send a carrier pigeon - I don’t care. What matters is that you tell them, “Thank you.” Be specific, tell them how what they did mattered, and how it made a difference.
That’s it.
Gratitude is a superpower. And the good news is that you don’t have to be an orphan from a doomed planet or be bitten by a radio-active spider to use it. Take a moment to tap back into thanks this week - just once! You’ll make the other person’s day, you’ll feel good, and you might - just might - find yourself wanting to thank more people.
Tap back in.