You Have a “Wait” Problem

It’s time to get real.

I have something to tell you. You’re not going to like it, but you need to hear it.  I think it will help if it comes from someone who genuinely cares for you.  

Okay, enough preamble - it’s time to rip the band-aid off. Are you ready?  Good.

You have a “wait” problem.

I know, I know - you do your best, you start out strong enough, but quickly lose your resolve.  It’s hard out there. But the facts are the facts. You need to stop...

...putting things off.

You see, I’m not talking about your “weight”, I’m talking about your “wait”; your propensity to keep putting things off.  You start the year with all kinds of resolutions. You promise yourself (and others) that this year will be your year.  You journal, you make goal boards, and you might even mind map your strategy.  Then tomorrow shows up, knocks at your door, and as soon as that door opens you are overcome with problems, challenges, and issues that you didn’t plan for. And so, you turn to your dreams and you declare, “not today.”  “Perhaps tomorrow,” you reassure them, “or next week.”

Of course, tomorrow never seems to come.  Thus you continue to wait as your “wait” problem increases and, all of a sudden, years pass, decades pass and you’re still carrying around all this “wait.”

It’s time to break the cycle.  It’s time to - here’s something you’ve never been told before - it’s time to become “over-wait.”  That’s right, I’m asking you to make the promise to yourself to become “over-wait.”

Stop putting things off.  Just take one action towards your dreams and goals each day. And I promise you, you’ll never have to worry about your “wait” again. Be over-wait and make a commitment to yourself.  You are worth it. Your dreams are worth it. Your family is worth it.

Be over-wait.


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