BBB: Beliefs Build Bridges...or Barriers.
Today I’d like to discuss the BBB. No, not the Better Business Bureau, but something that is far more personal: Beliefs Build Barriers.
Writer’s block. The struggle is real. The past month, I’ve wanted to write. I’ve felt compelled to write. But you know what? I haven’t. Why? Because there was this voice in my head. You know the one. It kept saying, “You can’t do this anymore.” “You’re out of practice.” “You’ve lost whatever talent you had.’
And you know what? I listened to that voice.
And I couldn’t write.
The belief stopped me. It built a wall around my talent and I couldn’t tap into it.
This morning, I was determined to write. Something. Anything. I looked at all I’ve written before, and instead of leeting doubt hold me back, and I let those past efforst that fuel me forward.
And here I am. Writing.
What changed?
What I believed.
I stoped belieivng the lie that I couldn’t, and I started believing I could.
You see, BBB doens’t always stand for Better Business Bureau. For each of us it can also mean one of two things. Beliefs Build Barriers. They can stop us from interviewing for a new job or promotion, asking that special someone out, or even stepping out of our comfot zone.
However, BBB has another meaning. Beliefs Build Bridges. These bridges connect us to courage, opportunity, and growth. They challenge us to say, “Bring it on!” - Wehtehr it’s tackling someting for hte first time or the 97th.
The choice is yours. Will your beliefs build barriers? Or will they build bridges.
You decide if you tap out or tap in. Today I chose to tap back into writing.
What will you choose to tap back into?
Always be curious. Alwas tap back in.