It's Your Choice

July 2 post (1).jpg

Each and every morning you face a choice. You have to choose this one simple thing before your feet hit the floor, the coffee is made, and you reach for your phone to check work emails (...or Facebook). It's an important decision that will affect the outcome and results you create each and everyday.

It's not, "What do I eat for breakfast?" (though that's up there), It's not, "Should I take a shower ?" (you should), or even, "Do I need to get out of bed today, I mean...I did yesterday. And the day before, so...?" (Get out of bed!)

No, the choice you have is a binary one. The first option is, "Today is going to be a good day. " And, this seems like the obvious choice, right? I mean, why would any of us not want to have a good day? Why would we choose something that isn't good? (Spoiler Alert: We do this all the time...but that's fodder for a different blog post.). So the choice is simple - we choose to have a good day and mosey...why does no one mosey anymore? Wouldn't the world be better with more mosey?...anyway we mosey on with our day.

You might be thinking to yourself, "End of blog." I mean, if it's that simple, why even write about the other option? What could be so compelling that we even need to review it? This blog post must be a simple case of whatever the opposite of "burying the lead" is? 


The binary choice you have is to wake up, stretch, and, as you sit up, agree with yourself that today is going to either a good day or...

...wait for it...

...a great day!

Trite? It might sound that way, but it's an important distinction. Most people have "good days." However, how many of us strive to make each day great; To make an agreement with yourself (or the universe, or God, or a tree snake in Borneo) that today you won't settle for anything less than great?

Is this a challenge? You bet. Is it worth it? Absolutely!

And if you are reading this at 3:49pm in the afternoon, does this mean that all is lost? That you can only settle for the mediocre outcome of "just good?" NO! Make the notice right now - the rest of the day will be great! "Any frustrations, challenges, or hurdles that pop up in my day won't sway me from my goal and I'll make the outcomes great or at least work so hard that I can look back and say, 'I may not have solved everything, but man I impressed self today.'"

That's your challenge this week (and every day for the rest of your life). As your eyes flutter open, your thoughts coalesce into consciousness, and you yearn for a cup of coffee to magically appear at your side - make a choice: Choose great.


The Courage to Begin


Give Yourself Permission